Contact us

  • TMS Express Delivery
    Next day delivery on over 3000 products.
  • Unlimited Free Cutting
    Tell us your requirements. We do the rest.
  • Select your delivery date
    If you want it sooner, if we can, we will.
  • Bulk discounts on all orders
    Up to 10% on orders over £1,500.

You can contact us by the following methods. Your query will be reviewed and sent straight to the right department to be dealt with.

By email

By phone

Telephone:    01274 875479  

By post

You can send us post to the following address:

Brook Mill
Hightown Road
West Yorkshire
BD19 5JS

We are next to the Fire Station in Cleckheaton, about 1.5 miles from junction 26 on the M62 motorway Click here for map

Our office opening times

Monday 8.30am - 5.00pm
Tuesday to Thursday 8.00am - 5.00pm
Friday 8.00am - 4.30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Our collection point and trade counter opening times

Monday       8.30am – 12pm, 12:30pm – 3pm
Tuesday to Friday       8am – 12pm, 12:30pm – 3pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Please note, if you attend the trade counter between 12 noon and 12.30pm there may be a slightly longer wait than normal due to the warehouse lunchbreak.

Remember you can order online 24 hours a day! 

Important: We can accept payment by Chip & Pin or cash but it may be easier to pay for your order prior to collection. This can be done either via our website or by calling us on 01274 875 479. Before you set off to collect from us, please telephone us first on 01274 875 479 to ensure your goods are ready for collection and to agree a collection time. Please note for security reasons we may ask you for identification and/or to see the card used for purchasing the items. Please ensure you have a copy of the order with you or the order number. Goods paid for through PayPal cannot be collected. We would advise you that unless goods have been paid for prior to collection any cutting required will not be carried out until you arrive and the goods have been paid for. Therefore, you may have to wait for your order.We are about 1.5 miles from junction 26 on the M62 motorway Click here for map

3m and 6m lengths of steel can be heavy and domestic cars are not designed to carry these types of goods, please ensure you have suitable means of securing items safely and are satisfied that the means of transporting the goods is safe and legal.


If you’re not sure what you need,
then we’re just a call away
01274 875479