
  • TMS Express Delivery
    Next day delivery on over 3000 products.
  • Unlimited Free Cutting
    Tell us your requirements. We do the rest.
  • Select your delivery date
    If you want it sooner, if we can, we will.
  • Bulk discounts on all orders
    Up to 10% on orders over £1,500.
  1. Can I get a VAT invoice?
  2. Can I make changes to my order after I have paid for it?
  3. Can I make changes to the delivery details after I’ve paid for my order?
  4. Do I get a copy of my order?
  5. What payment methods do you accept?

1. Can I get a VAT invoice?

Yes. A VAT invoice is attached to the shipping notification sent to you when your order is shipped.

2. Can I make changes to my order after I have paid for it?

Yes, providing your order has not been shipped or cut to order. Call us on 01274 875479 or email us on [email protected] Please have your original order number to hand so we can quickly trace your order.

3. Can I make changes to the delivery details after I’ve paid for my order?

Yes, providing your order has not already been shipped. Call us on 01274 875479 or email us on [email protected] Please have your original order number to hand so we can quickly trace your order.

4. Do I get a copy of my order?

Yes. This is emailed to you as soon as you place your order. We will also send you through a VAT invoice which will be attached to the shipping notification which will be sent to you when your order is shipped.

5. What payment methods do you accept?

Our secure payment facilities are provided by Handepay, Paypal and Stripe. This means you can use your debit or credit card securely through these tried and tested third party services.

You can choose which of these secure methods of payment suits you best when you go to checkout online.

Handepay Handepay accepts all major credit and debit cards but keeps your details secure. When you complete your order you are directed to their totally safe and secure server to process your payment. We do not have access to your credit or debit card details at anytime. We can only access your contact details should we need to contact you about any aspect of your order. 

PayPal is a safer, faster, more secure way to pay online – your financial details are never shared.

Stripe is another safe way of paying online, your details can be saved in their system for future purchases, we do not have access to any of your financial information. Their fraud prevention alogorithms are some of the best online.

We also accept the following methods of payment:

Card Payments over the phone - please email your order and contact number and we will phone you to take your payment. Click here to email.

Internet banking - our bank details are available on request and are preferable for high value orders. Click here to email.

Cheque - please post your cheque to:


Brook Mill
Hightown Road
West Yorkshire
BD19 5JS

If payment is made by cheque you should be aware that there is a 7 day lead time from reciept of your cheque and the goods will not be dispatched until we have received confirmation from our bank that your cheque has cleared.

If you’re not sure what you need,
then we’re just a call away
01274 875479