Mild Steel Sheet 2mm thickness

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Please scroll the page to ensure you see the full list of products available
Description Weight Price
(Ex VAT)
(Inc VAT)
45mm x 45mm x 2mm thick mild steel sheet sample
£2.00 ex VAT
£2.40 inc VAT
0.03 kg £2.00 £2.40
2000mm x 1000mm x 2mm thick mild steel sheet
£80.00 ex VAT
£96.00 inc VAT
31.4 kg £80.00 £96.00
2500mm x 1250mm x 2mm thick mild steel sheet
£125.00 ex VAT
£150.00 inc VAT
49.06 kg £125.00 £150.00
Pinkgrip Adhesive - 350ml
£5.00 ex VAT
£6.00 inc VAT
0.41 kg £5.00 £6.00
EB25 - The Ultimate Sealant and Adhesive - Black
£10.50 ex VAT
£12.60 inc VAT
0.35 kg £10.50 £12.60
EB25 - The Ultimate Sealant and Adhesive - White
£11.50 ex VAT
£13.80 inc VAT
0.35 kg £11.50 £13.80
EB25 - The Ultimate Sealant and Adhesive - Clear
£10.50 ex VAT
£12.60 inc VAT
0.35 kg £10.50 £12.60
EB25 - The Ultimate Sealant and Adhesive - Grey
£10.00 ex VAT
£12.00 inc VAT
0.35 kg £10.00 £12.00
Applicator Gun - 270ml - 425ml
£5.00 ex VAT
£6.00 inc VAT
0.48 kg £5.00 £6.00
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We stock mild steel sheets in various thicknesses from 0.8mm thick to 3mm thick, all our sheets are CR4 grade (cold reduced). If you require a different thickness, please contact us on 01274 875479.

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then we’re just a call away
01274 875479