Bulk Ordering

  • TMS Express Delivery
    Next day delivery on over 3000 products.
  • Unlimited Free Cutting
    Tell us your requirements. We do the rest.
  • Select your delivery date
    If you want it sooner, if we can, we will.
  • Bulk discounts on all orders
    Up to 10% on orders over £1,500.

We welcome enquiries for large volume orders and orders over £2,500 plus VAT.

For any orders that do qualify for our standard discounts we will do our best to give you the best possible price and delivery lead-time. If you would like us to provide you with a quotation for a large order or would like to place a large order, please contact our friendly, dedicated sales team on 01274 875 479, Monday 8.30am to 5pm, Tuesday to Thursday 8am to 5pm, and Friday 8am to 4.30pm.* If you would prefer to contact us by email please send your enquiry to [email protected]

*We are also available on a Saturday morning but may not be able to give you an immediate quote.
To provide you with the best possible price for your enquiry we require the following information please:

  • Type of product
  • Quantity of product
  • Where the goods are to be delivered to, including postcode
  • Your contact details - telephone number and email address
When we contact you with your quotation we will also give you information about the lead-time for the order and the payment details.
If you’re not sure what you need,
then we’re just a call away
01274 875479