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Description Weight Price
(Ex VAT)
(Inc VAT)
50mm Swivel bolt hole castor grey tyre unbraked
£2.75 ex VAT
£3.30 inc VAT
0.16 kg £2.75 £3.30
50mm Swivel bolt hole castor grey tyre braked
£3.50 ex VAT
£4.20 inc VAT
0.16 kg £3.50 £4.20
50mm Swivel bolt hole castor grey tyre braked (Black)
£8.00 ex VAT
£9.60 inc VAT
0.16 kg £8.00 £9.60
75mm Swivel bolt hole castor grey tyre unbraked
£5.00 ex VAT
£6.00 inc VAT
0.22 kg £5.00 £6.00
75mm Swivel bolt hole castor grey tyre braked
£6.00 ex VAT
£7.20 inc VAT
0.27 kg £6.00 £7.20
75mm Swivel bolt hole castor grey tyre braked (Black)
£9.00 ex VAT
£10.80 inc VAT
0.27 kg £9.00 £10.80
75mm Swivel castor grey tyre unbraked
£5.00 ex VAT
£6.00 inc VAT
0.25 kg £5.00 £6.00
75mm Swivel castor grey tyre braked
£6.00 ex VAT
£7.20 inc VAT
0.3 kg £6.00 £7.20
80mm Fixed castor white tyre unbraked
£6.00 ex VAT
£7.20 inc VAT
0.4 kg £6.00 £7.20
80mm Swivel castor white tyre unbraked
£8.00 ex VAT
£9.60 inc VAT
0.69 kg £8.00 £9.60
80mm Swivel castor white tyre braked
£10.00 ex VAT
£12.00 inc VAT
0.86 kg £10.00 £12.00
100mm Fixed castor blue tyre unbraked
£8.00 ex VAT
£9.60 inc VAT
0.58 kg £8.00 £9.60
100mm Swivel castor blue tyre unbraked
£9.00 ex VAT
£10.80 inc VAT
0.82 kg £9.00 £10.80
100mm Swivel castor blue tyre braked
£13.00 ex VAT
£15.60 inc VAT
1.0 kg £13.00 £15.60
Expanding Fitting - tube 19mm to 21.5mm internal diameter - suitable for use with 26.9mm galv tube
£8.00 ex VAT
£9.60 inc VAT
0.11 kg £8.00 £9.60
Expanding Fitting - tube 27mm to 30mm internal diameter - suitable for use with 33.7mm galv tube
£9.00 ex VAT
£10.80 inc VAT
0.12 kg £9.00 £10.80
Expanding Fitting - tube 31mm to 35mm internal diameter - suitable for use with 42.4mm galv tube
£10.00 ex VAT
£12.00 inc VAT
0.13 kg £10.00 £12.00
Expanding Fitting - Suitable for use with 25mm x 25mm x 2mm Box Section
£4.00 ex VAT
£4.80 inc VAT
0.12 kg £4.00 £4.80
Expanding Fitting - Suitable for use with 30mm x 30mm x 2mm Box Section
£5.00 ex VAT
£6.00 inc VAT
0.13 kg £5.00 £6.00
Expanding Fitting - Suitable for use with 40mm x 40mm x 2mm Box Section
£6.50 ex VAT
£7.80 inc VAT
0.13 kg £6.50 £7.80
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A range of castors, suitable for medical equipment, display cabinets, point-of-sale, educational furniture, computer and office furniture.

Please note that thermoplastic rubber tyres are not resistant to contact with greases, oils or chloride.

Size Load Capacity Tread Width Overall Height
50mm 40kg 19mm 70mm
75mm 75kg 25mm 100mm
80mm 125kg 34mm 108mm
100mm 160kg 34mm 128mm
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then we’re just a call away
01274 875479