EB25 - The Ultimate Sealant and Adhesive

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Please scroll the page to ensure you see the full list of products available
Description Weight Price
(Ex VAT)
(Inc VAT)
EB25 - The Ultimate Sealant and Adhesive - Clear
£10.50 ex VAT
£12.60 inc VAT
0.35 kg £10.50 £12.60
EB25 - The Ultimate Sealant and Adhesive - White
£11.50 ex VAT
£13.80 inc VAT
0.35 kg £11.50 £13.80
EB25 - The Ultimate Sealant and Adhesive - Black
£10.50 ex VAT
£12.60 inc VAT
0.35 kg £10.50 £12.60
EB25 - The Ultimate Sealant and Adhesive - Grey
£10.00 ex VAT
£12.00 inc VAT
0.35 kg £10.00 £12.00
Applicator Gun - 270ml - 425ml
£5.00 ex VAT
£6.00 inc VAT
0.48 kg £5.00 £6.00
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Everbuild’s best ever sealant and adhesive is now in stock.

This new product is extremely flexible, certified for both indoor and outdoor use, and in sanitary and food preparation areas (ISEGA).

It is exceptionally strong, works on metal, wood, brick, concrete, stone, ceramic, tile, plastic, glass and even underwater! It can also withstand extreme temperatures, from -40°C to 100°C.

The sealant/adhesive is available in 5 colours: clear, Anthracite, white, black and grey.
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then we’re just a call away
01274 875479