End Caps

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Black plastic end caps for use to make a neat finish at the end of a tube or act as feet. Just knock into the end or foot of square tube.

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Please scroll the page to ensure you see the full list of products available
Description Weight Price
(Ex VAT)
(Inc VAT)
Black end caps to fit 20mm x 20mm square tube (0.8mm - 2.5mm wall)
£0.30 ex VAT
£0.36 inc VAT
0.01 kg £0.30 £0.36
Black end caps to fit 25mm x 25mm square tube (0.8mm - 2.5mm wall)
£0.40 ex VAT
£0.48 inc VAT
0.01 kg £0.40 £0.48
Black end caps to fit 30mm x 30mm square tube (0.8mm - 2.5mm wall)
£0.50 ex VAT
£0.60 inc VAT
0.02 kg £0.50 £0.60
Black end caps to fit 40mm x 40mm square tube (1.0mm - 3.0mm wall)
£0.75 ex VAT
£0.90 inc VAT
0.02 kg £0.75 £0.90
Black end caps to fit 50mm x 50mm square tube (1.0mm - 3.0mm wall)
£1.00 ex VAT
£1.20 inc VAT
0.02 kg £1.00 £1.20
Black end caps to fit 60mm x 60mm square tube (1.5mm - 4.0mm wall)
£1.25 ex VAT
£1.50 inc VAT
0.02 kg £1.25 £1.50
Black end caps to fit 80mm x 80mm square tube (2.0mm - 4.5mm wall)
£1.50 ex VAT
£1.80 inc VAT
0.02 kg £1.50 £1.80
Black end caps to fit 100mm x 100mm square tube (1.0mm - 4.0mm wall)
£2.00 ex VAT
£2.40 inc VAT
0.02 kg £2.00 £2.40
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