copper sheet 2mm thickness

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  • Unlimited Free Cutting
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Please scroll the page to ensure you see the full list of products available
Cutting instructions can be added at the basket page
Description Weight Price
(Ex VAT)
(Inc VAT)
45mm x 45mm x 2.0mm thick copper sheet sample
£2.00 ex VAT
£2.40 inc VAT
0.04 kg £2.00 £2.40
250mm x 250mm x 2.0mm thick copper sheet
£31.25 ex VAT
£37.50 inc VAT
1.12 kg £31.25 £37.50
500mm x 250mm x 2.0mm thick copper sheet
£62.50 ex VAT
£75.00 inc VAT
2.24 kg £62.50 £75.00
500mm x 500mm x 2.0mm thick copper sheet
£125.00 ex VAT
£150.00 inc VAT
4.48 kg £125.00 £150.00
1000mm x 500mm x 2.0mm thick copper sheet
£250.00 ex VAT
£300.00 inc VAT
8.96 kg £250.00 £300.00
1000mm x 1000mm x 2.0mm thick copper sheet
£500.00 ex VAT
£600.00 inc VAT
17.92 kg £500.00 £600.00
Fixing Holes (4 no. holes 1 in each corner)
£4.00 ex VAT
£4.80 inc VAT
0.0 kg £4.00 £4.80
Copper fixing kit - pack (includes 4 x plugs, 4 x screws and 4 x caps)
£5.00 ex VAT
£6.00 inc VAT
0.02 kg £5.00 £6.00
Pinkgrip Adhesive - 350ml
£5.00 ex VAT
£6.00 inc VAT
0.41 kg £5.00 £6.00
Applicator Gun - 270ml - 425ml
£5.00 ex VAT
£6.00 inc VAT
0.48 kg £5.00 £6.00
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Copper sheet 2.0mm thick available in a range of sizes which can also be cut to smaller pieces to suit your requirements.  You can have up to 10 cuts per length FREE of charge. Just add your cutting instructions to your shopping cart in the box provided. Click here for full details of this service. Remember we deliver nationwide. Check our delivery page for full details.

Please note our cutting service does not apply to laser cutting, e.g. cut outs, corners, in copper sheets and we are unable to provide this service at the moment.


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01274 875479